Genre: and Horror | Runtime: ninety minute Minutes
Also Often known as: n/A
Aspect Ratio: n/A
Budget: n/A
Release Time: 24 July 2014 (USA)
Runtime: 86 min
Directors: n/A
Rating: 6. 8
Color: n/A
Countries: n/A
Company: n/A
Creators: n/A
Description: A band of pals which enterprise to the remote control Arizona forest for any celebration weekend are stalked through Bigfoot.
Cast (limited to help 5): n/A
Cast as WEB SITE (default limited to 20): n/A
Genres: and Horror
Languages: n/A
Location: n/A
Opening End of the week: n/A
Plot (shortened to help one hundred fifty chars): For several pals, it was the opportunity for any summertime getaway- the weekend associated with hiking inside the Arizona Major Thicket. But visions of any carefree getaway areĆ¢€¦
Poster: posters/1988621. jpg
Seasons: n/A
Sound Combine: n/A
Tagline: n/A
Title: Exists
Url: http: //www. imdb. com/title/tt1988621/
Votes: 110
Writers: n/A
Year: 2014
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